Jenkins & CI/CD
One of the most crucial procedures of every organization in need of DevOps adoption is the production pipeline. Testing, installation, and deployment against a multitude of environments (development, QA, production, etc.) are additional requirements that increase the complexity of the integration problem. Continuous Integration software tools give us the ability to achieve these goals and ultimately with effective solutions. Jenkins is one of the most popular open source Continuous Integration software tools in the market, used by thousands of companies and millions of developers throughout the globe.
Through this Code.Learn Jenkins & CI/CD program, designed in exclusive collaboration with Athens Tech College, participants will use Jenkins to explore all aspects of Continuous Integration up to Continuous Deployment. They will be taught how to create simple pipelines to automate various configuration and administrative tasks. They will learn how to implement both scripted and declarative Jenkins Pipelines. As a result of the use of Jenkins Pipelines participants will be able to create fully automated solutions for integrating newly committed code to the codebase, generating artifacts, and deploying applications to various environments.
Key Objectives
The key learning objectives of this program can be summarized as follows:
- Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, Continuous Deployment
- What is Jenkins
- Download and Configure Jenkins
- Jenkins setup and deploy concepts. Plugins, Authentication, High Availability
- Architectural Overview of Jenkins
- Create Jenkins Freestyle Job
- Continuous Integration with Jenkins
- Jenkins Integration with Git and GitHub
- Create a range of artifacts using above tools
- Continuous Delivery with Jenkins
- Create a full CI/CD workflow with Jenkins pipelines and Docker containers
- Interaction of Jenkins with SCM, Infrastructure as Code, Build and Artifact Repositories tools (eg. Git, Terraform, Ansible)
- Continuous Deployment with Jenkins
- H-A, Monitoring, Backups
Target Audience
Higher education graduates in one of the following fields:
- Computer Science
- Ιnformatics
- Software Engineering
- Web and Mobile Development
- Computer Engineering
- or any other relevant area
Prerequisite Knowledge
Some familiarity with Linux, Git, building tools and containers will be beneficial, but not required.
Sessions can be carried out:
- Live in a physical classroom
- Live online through video conferencing environments
- Using a Hybrid combination of both live physical and online approaches
The teaching method will depend on the conditions at the time the training will run and on the participants’ preferences.
- PREMISES: Code.Hub Training Center: Leof. Alexandras 205, Athina 115 23