Pfizer Bootcamp – Full-stack Operations Software Engineer


Τhe Pfizer Bootcamp – Full-stack Operations Software Engineer commences!


Duration & Schedule

This specific program lasts 4 weeks and consists of  56 hours of lectures and hands-on exercise on real case studies and projects via virtual classroom environment* and online collaboration platforms.

Start Date: 7 October 2024
End Date: 30 October 2024

Detailed Schedule (The Schedule is subject to adjustments)

Introduction Day
Monday 7, October
Week 1
(Oct.) 7,9,10,11,12
• Weekdays – (18.00 – 21.15)
• Saturday – (10.00 – 13.15)
Week 2
(Oct.) 14,16,17,18,19
• Weekdays – (18.00 – 21.15)
• Saturday – (10.00 – 15.30)
Week 3
(Oct.) 21,22,23,24
• Monday, 21 October – (10.00-14.00)
CDI Networking Event @Thessaloniki*
• Weekdays – (18.00 – 21.15)
Week 4
Presentations Day
Thursday 30 October
Approximately – (18.00 – 19.30)

*Some Sessions might require your physical presence


Key Objectives – Curriculum

The key learning objectives of this program can be summarized as follows:

Back-End Development
PHP & Laravel
  1. Introduction to PHP and Dynamic Webpages
  2. OOP Principles
  3. PHP Classes, Inheritance
  4. Project Structure
  5. Model-View-Controller pattern
  6. Design Patterns
  7. Routing
  8. App Scaffolding with CLI tool (Artisan)
  9. Database Communication with Laravel
  10. Eloquent – ORM (Object Relational Mapper)
  11. Classes, Migration, Factories
  12. Restful controllers
  13. Effective Error Handing in Laravel
  14. Logging
  15. User Authentication with Laravel
  16. Authorization, Encryption, Hashing
  17. Access to endpoints based on specific roles (Laravel policies, gates etc)
  18. Protecting routes, Passport – Bearer token, Sanctum – Cookie
CMS (Content Management System)
  1. Introduction to Drupal and its Architecture
  2. Exploring File and Database Structure
  3. Core vs. Contributed Modules Overview
  4. Creating Custom Modules: Basics and Hook System
  5. Interfacing with the Database using PHP
  6. Introduction to Drupal’s Service Container
Front-End Development
  1. Introduction to JavaScript – ES6
  2. Variables and data types
  3. Operators, Branches, Loops
  4. Functions, Fat Arrow and Callback functions
  5. Promises
  1. Introduction to Vue.js
  2. Vue CLI
  3. Creating a new Vue.js project
  4. The Vue instance
  5. Data and methods in Vue.js
  6. Template syntax
  7. Interpolations and data binding v- Directives
  8. Computed Properties and Watchers
  9. Handling events
  10. Components in Vue.js
  11. Single File Components
  12. Passing data to components using props
  13. Emitting events from components Routing
  14. Forms and User Input
  15. Consuming Backend APIs (fetch and/or axios)
  1. Introduction to Python
  2. Python Syntax and Basic Data Types
  3. Control Flow: Conditionals and Loops
  4. Functions and Modules
  5. Working with Lists, Dictionaries, and Tuples
  6. Error Handling and Exceptions
Python & My SQL integration
  1. Introduction to MySQL and Python Integration
  2. Connecting to MySQL Database Using Python
  3. Executing SQL Queries with Python
  4. Fetching and Manipulating Data
  5. Handling Transactions and Error Management
  6. Explain Queries Execution