Pfizer Bootcamp – Software & Cloud Engineering


Τhe Pfizer Bootcamp – Software & Cloud Engineering commences!


Duration & Schedule

This specific program lasts 6 weeks and consists of  110 hours of lectures and hands-on exercise on real case studies and projects via virtual classroom environment* and online collaboration platforms.

Start Date: 23 January 2023
End Date: 2 March 2023

Detailed Schedule (The Schedule is subject to adjustments)

Introduction Day
Monday 23, January
Approximately (17.15-21.15)
Week 1
(Jan.) 23, 24, 26, 27, 28
Weekdays – (18.00 – 21.15)
Saturday – (10.00 – 15.30)
Week 2
30, 31, (Feb.) 02, 03
Weekdays – (18.00 – 21.15)
Week 3
06, 07, 09, 10, 11
Weekdays – (18.00 – 21.15)
Saturday – (10.00 – 15.30)
Week 4
13, 14, 15, 16, 17
Weekdays – (18.00 – 21.15)
CDI Networking Event @Thessaloniki*
Week 5
20, 21, 23, 24, 25
Weekdays – (18.00 – 21.15)
Saturday – (10.00 – 15.30)
Week 6
28, (March) 01
Weekdays – (18.00 – 21.15)
Presentations Day
Thursday 02 March
Approximately (18.00-21.15)

*Some Sessions might require your physical presence

Key Objectives – Curriculum

The key learning objectives of this program can be summarized as follows:

Software Engineering
  1. Academy Workflows & Processes
  2. Professionalism & SE roles and Industry reality
  3. Tooling & Collaboration principles
  4. Version Control & GIT
  5. Software Quality Assurance & Testing Principles
  6. Software Development Lifecycle & Models
  7. Managing the Agile Project & Scrum
Object Oriented Programming
& Java fundamentals
  1. Intro to OOA, OOD, OOP
  2. Java Language & Programming Fundamentals
  3. Accept user input and display messages
  4. Classes and the concept of Model, as the definition of the program’s
  5. Conceptual schema
  6. Generics, Collections, Exceptions, Multithreading
  7. Streams & Lambdas
  8. Design & Development Patterns
Databases & Object-relational
  1.  Relational Databases Fundamentals
  2.  Data Modeling & ERDs
  3.  SQL Basics & Advanced
  4.  Map our model to the database
  5.  Querying the Database
  6.  JDBC API
  7. Basics of NoSQL database, (MongoDB / DocumentDB)
Spring Framework Core Concepts
  1. Spring Introduction
  2. Core Part 1 (Spring Container)
  3. Core Part 2 (Bean Lifecycle)
Spring Boot
  1. Spring Data JPA
  2. Data Persistence & Object Relational Mapping (Hibernate)
  3. Java Persistence API (Entities, Entity Manager, Exceptions)
  4. Entity
  5. Repositories
  6. Fetching Types
  7. Transaction Management
  8. JPQL & Native Queries
  9. Spring RESTful Services
  10. REST Principles
  11. Verbs, Response Codes
  12. Validation
  13. Exception Handling
  14. REST Template
  15. Versioning
  16. Filtering
  17. Caching, Scheduling/Async, Messaging (JMS, RabbitMQ)
Front-End Development
  1.  Intro to HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
  2.  Typescript, Angular CLI, Modules, Components, Templates, Built-in Directives
  3.  Services, DI, Consuming HTTP services
  4.  Routing & Reactive Forms and Validation
  5.  Introduction to React, JSX, Components and props
Cloud Computing Core Concepts
  1. AWS Infrastructure
  2. AWS Account Security
  3. AWS EC2 Computing
  4. AWS EC2 Storage (EBS, EFS)
  5. AWS Scaling (Elastic Load Balancing, Automatic Scaling Groups)
  6. AWS Networking
  7. AWS Relational Database Service
  8. AWS S3
  9. AWS Cloudfront