ReGeneration Academy on Data Engineering Vol. 2, powered by EY
The ReGeneration Academy on Data Engineering Vol. 2, powered by EY is once again this year a fruitful collaboration between ReGeneration and EY, with training partner Code.Hub, as another specialized academy in the field of Data Engineering. This is addressed to young people, with the aim of educating, empowering and integrating them into relevant roles in the modern labor market..
This Academy is an intensive training program of 100 training hours across 6 weeks, where participants will explore the role and responsibilities of the Data Engineer in modern professional environments, which use specialized technical skills to turn data into a source of business knowledge and provide possible decisions and strategic plans for the next corporate moves.
Participants will have the opportunity to attend an intensive hands-on training program, where they will be exposed:
- theoretical principles and practical dimension of data collection and storage,
- the creation of data structures,
- the use of databases and the application of architectural bases, as well as
- exporting, converting and uploading data (Data Integration, ETL) to Data Warehouses.
More specifically, participants will receive training of basic and more advanced principles in Software Engineering Aspects, Data & Data Management Systems, Data Warehouses, Big Data, Data Integration, Data Analysis, Data Visualization, using the SQL data management language, and will gain practical experience in popular platforms and tools that serve Data Engineering, such as SSAS, SSIS and Power BI.
Duration and Schedule
The program has a duration of 100 training hours in 6 teaching weeks in online courses through virtual classroom environment and online collaboration platforms.
Start Date: 20 March 2023
End Date: 28 April 2023
Detailed Schedule (*The Schedule is subject to adjustments)
Time: Afternoon @18.00 – 21.15
Morning (Saturday) @10.00 – 13.15
Week 1 – (March) 20, 21, 23, 24 |
Week 2 – 27, 28, 30,31, (April) 01 |
Week 3 – 03, 04, 06, 07, 08 |
Week 4 – 10, 11, 12 |
Week 5 – 19, 20, 21,22 |
Week 6 – 24, 25, 27, 28 |
Project Presentations – Friday, 28 April |
Key Objectives – Curriculum
Participants will have the opportunity to attend 100 hours of training in 6 teaching weeks. Basic and more advanced principles will be studied spanning in the following thematic units:
- Software Engineering Aspects
- Data, Data Management Systems & Data Stores
- Data Warehouses & Data Marts
- Business Intelligence Ecosystem
- Data Integration with SSIS & SQL (Extract, Transform, Load)
- Data Analysis & Business Analytics
- Data Visualization and Reporting (Power BI)
Conditions for Participation
Graduates of Greek or foreign schools of higher education (AEI / TEI / College), one of the following academic directions:
- Information Technology and Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering and Electronic Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Applied Mathematics
Additional Conditions:
Up to 29 years old, as the program is aimed at graduates at the beginning of their careers.
None or limited work experience:
Work experience from 0 to 3 years full time, upon completion of studies.
Extracurricular activities:
Active involvement in extracurricular activities (eg volunteering, sports, entrepreneurship, art and any other non-academic activity).
The aim of the ReGeneration Academy on Data engineering Vol. 2, powered by EY is to prepare specialized scientists in the field of corporate data management, with exposure to technologies, techniques and tools that will make them competitive in the labor market, in order to claim positions in the fields of Data Engineering and Business Intelligence.
The role of Data Engineers is extremely important for the information to be used effectively. That is why their profession is ranked as one of the fastest growing in recent years and cutting-edge companies are constantly hiring Data Engineers to optimize their operations.
- DURATION: 100 Hours through the course of 6 Weeks
- PREMISES: Online virtual classroom environment and online collaboration platforms