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Scrum Patterns | One-Day Free Webinar


Scrum community experts have been collecting these secrets for years, and working together to write them down as patterns. Even the inventor of Scrum, Jeff Sutherland, now uses them as a central part of his training and of describing Scrum. And now they’re freely available to you. Come and learn how to use them and what they mean to your organisation, and how you can use them to chart a powerful new direction of kaizen for your Scrum team!

You’ll learn what Scrum patterns are, how to write your own, and how to use the existing pattern languages of Scrum to chart a “project language” to take your Scrum to the next level. These Scrum patterns mine the insights of the founders and world experts in Scrum, who have been contributing to them for the past 7 years.

Τhe participants of the course may also request to get an electronic copy of the book “A Scrum Book: The Spirit of the Game”, authored by Jeff Sutherland, James Coplien, Gertrude Bjørnvig, Kiro Harada-san, Mike Beedle, Gabrielle Benefield, and a litany of other household names in Scrum. More details about how to acquire the book can be found below, in the “Registration Policy” section.


This is a 1-day Code.Learn webinar (8 hours), and will take place on October 21.

The webinar will be conducted completely in English via zoom with four 90-minute modules:

  • Session 01: 09.30-11.00
  • Session 02: 11.15-12.45
  • Session 03: 13.30-15.00
  • Session 04: 15.15-16.45

Key Objectives – Curriculum

The core agenda of this program will be to present, explore and adequately cover the following areas:

  • Scrum Patterns Principles & Fundamentals
  • What is a Pattern?
  • Examples from the Product Organization Pattern Language
  • Introduction to Sequences and Pattern Languages
  • The Product Organization Sequence
  • The Value Stream Sequence
  • The Value Stream Pattern Language
  • Applying Scrum Patterns Every Day

Target Audience

This Scrum Course is for anyone who is involved in small or large scale Scrum adoption. Above average Scrum knowledge is expected and required, possibly through experience in Scrum transformations, attending a Certified ScrumMaster course, Professional ScrumMaster course, or by thoroughly reading Scrum introduction material such as the Scrum Primer and practicing Scrum.

Registration Policy

Registration is completely free for the qualifying registrations that meet the following criteria:

  • In order to qualify for participating in the webinar, the application should involve two persons of different gender, of which, at least one of them should have lost their job due to Covid-19.
    This webinar is specifically designed to help people who have been left without a job due to the pandemic, and to promote gender equality in the industry.

Participants that have qualified for free registration and would like to receive the book “A Scrum Book: The Spirit of the Game”, they will have to buy it for its retail price.